I really started this blog as a spot to put stuff about our family. I guess my timing wasn't good since it seems that it's been all about me.......
And this post is no exception.
I got to go to the hospital last week. I just wasn't having enough drama in my life and I asked myself, "What more could I do to give myself some additional pain?" Well, the answer came in a flash. How about a heart cath? Yeah!!!

Actually, I'd been to my cardiologist shortly after stopping the thyroid meds and he wanted to do a stress test. I told him he'd better hurry since I was off the meds and probably wouldn't have enough energy to complete the test if he waited too long.
When my doctor checked the stress test results he said, "For a normal person this would be a pretty good test result. But you're not normal." Well, shoot, everybody knows that. Unfortunately that meant he wanted to take a closer look at my heart and that meant an angiogram.
I was only in for a day. They used a new doohickey (medical term) to plug the hole in my femoral artery. It's an
Angio-Seal and it's actually pretty cool.
Anyway, they said I have two arteries that are about 50% occluded but that they usually don't do a stent or even a balloon until they're 70%. I figure it took fifty years for me to get that plugged up, so I won't need another angiogram until I'm pushin' seventy. Hooray!
Hopefully I'll get to go back to work next week. I had hoped to see the doctor this week to get a release, but he's out of town. I'll see him on Monday and he should sign off on a release to go back to work at that time.
Maybe my next post will get to be about something else besides my worn-out carcass. I'm slowly scanning some old family photos, so maybe we'll get some Benjamin/Richardson history thrown in.