I didn't have anything better to do after work last night. I'd only been sleeping about three hours a night all week and was so tired that the woman in line next to me at
Chipotle Wednesday night felt compelled to comment on how tired I looked and admonished me to go home and get some sleep. So Thursday, as soon as the van rolled into the Wal-Mart parking lot, I hopped in my car and headed someplace other than home. I went to the hospital...........
No. I wasn't sick..... again..... I went to see our newest family member, Mary Addie Elizabeth Benjamin (sounds like a little Irish Catholic girl's name).
She's a cutie!

I was able to hold her for quite awhile and did my usual "stare at the baby in awe and wonder without saying anything for a very long time" thing.

Most of the time she slept, but for awhile she just looked right back at me, nothing but peace and tranquility passing between us, and then, back to sleep......
Knocked out.....

And still sleeping.....

The happy family..... My boy, Elroy..... Oh, no. That was the Jetsons. That's the big boy, Carlos III, his lovely bride Cathy (she's really quiet but very funny - we're keepin' her) and little Addie in the middle.

She's pretty alert....... well, when she's awake........

And this is how I left her:

I think I may have to go see her again.
YAY!!! She is SO beautiful!!! And look at all that hair!!! Love her already, can't wait to hold the little sweet pea!!!
She looks just like her nana, very beautiful. Addie I will see you Sunday.
she is adorable!!!!!Congratulations to all!!!!
Dear Addie Jane,
I am so glad you are here. I love you very much.
Great Grandma Shirley Jane
Hello Sweet Pea baby girl!!! You are so beautiful! I cannot wait to see you! Congrats Mom & Dad!
Hey! I didn't know you still had a blog...somewhere...
Anyway! She is SOOOO adorable!!! tell Cathy that I said that she looks wonderful (even though she probaly doesn't think she does)...and I guess you could tell Carlos...um...you can just make up something ;)
awww she has cathy's nose :)
Oh my word, she's beautiful!
She is so absoulutely lovely! and so chunky! I lover her and cannot wait to hold her!!
She is so absoulutely lovely! and so chunky! I lover her and cannot wait to hold her!! Aubrey
I think she looks like Angela when she was baby. FOR SURE, she is a doll. Wish I could see her and hold her. Arkansas is a fer piece from Arizona, so I'm sending Congrats and love to baby, mommy, and daddy.
Love, Aunt Karen
Oh, sure..... I could be dyin' and I get one or two folks stopping by to say, "Gosh, I hope you feel better." but put up a stinking baby and look at all the people coming outta the woodwork! Sheesh.....
And another thing. The two angelas should identify themselves more clearly. And the two anonymouses are so much alike that they said the exact same thing! What're the odds?
It's a good thing I agree with all of you or I'd have to go pout somewhere.....
she's such a precious little girl and SO pretty! i can't wait to meet her!
oh and btw-- part of the reason we new about this post was thanks to her auntie angela posting a bulletin on myspace! :-D
Such a beautiful baby girl! Very nice photos.
Awwww.... Soooo.... sweet! I just love her sooooo..... much.
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