This is the bountiful breakfast of radioactive champions everywhere. I'm on clear liquids today and for breakfast I had Jello and tea.
I am indebted to Magnificent Mary, My Matrimonial Mate for the Jello. That gal sure can cook! It's why I married her you know.
The tea was provided by the Simply Sweet Sonya who made it herself and brought it by before work. It's a combination of green tea and white tea and has just a hint of mint.
Aren't you wishing you were me today?
After such a tremendous breakfast, one might be temped to sit back and rub their belly for the rest of the day and simply reminisce, a sort of mental rumination over the flavorful feast that broke last nights fast.
A Lunch That Won't Bunch

"Broth and tea for me", you say?
You'd be right! And what a delight..... Here we have a savory chicken broth and the home-made green and white tea. Or is it the other way around?
Looks like twin urine samples.
Dinner Fit For The Throne

Here's a dinner for those who would rather pass.....
One might think, "I can't stand any more!" but this
is a feast that will compel you to sit..... for the rest of the evening.
Starting off with a four course meal of Bisacodyl conveniently packaged in a foil-backed blister pack. This meal would be enough to elicit delighted moans and much belly rubbing from the casual diner, but for those with more sophisticated palates, the coup de grĂ¢ce is that the meal comes with not one, but two bottles of the finest Phospho-soda from Fleet. Together this combination is guaranteed to open streams of expressive outbursts from tummy rubbing diners for the remainder of the evening. I'm sure that those partaking in such a feast will be surprised at renewed outpourings just when they thought the evening's festivities had settled down.
Why does the lighting in that picture look more ominous than the others?
Anyhow, all this to get a nice clean scan tomorrow and hopefully a reading that shows no new cancer.
Well, I am SO pleased to see you keep your sense of humor through this...PRAYING FOR....N.O. CANCER!
That was me...I didn't know hubby was signed in!
Yes, Indeed praying for NO CANCER!!!!
I love you Carlos... and love your humor!
You know, if I didn't like food so much, I would have been tempted to join you for those scrumptous meals! mmmmm...
Oh Carlos, only you can laugh when you'll be visiting the white porcelain throne tonight! heehee I am praying for you "no cancer". Marla
LOL at your description of laxatives for dinner.
Dad...you are one strange man.
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